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Posts tagged Poets&Quants
The Cost Of NOT Getting An MBA

Applicants often dwell on whether getting an MBA is worth the price-tag — and rightfully so. But it’s also worth contemplating the cost of forgoing the degree.

Click here to read more in my article for Poets&Quants.

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How has COVID-19 Changed the way MBA Admissions Officers are Reading Your Application?

Thanks to COVID-19, a lot of us no longer know what our life may look like in the next month, let alone a year from now. This shaky environment has caused many people to seek stability -- and for some, one way of doing so is heading back to school. Whether it be losing a job, or having more time to visualize a career shift -- MBA applications have increased. In September, the editor-in-chief of Poets and Quants wrote that applications are soaring in an article for Forbes. And since the pandemic has permeated every aspect of our world, surely it has affected the perspective of MBA admissions offices, too?

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