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Consider MBA Degree As A Holiday Gift That Keeps Giving

We’re almost to the end of 2020, and like the pandemic has altered most things, it will change our holiday season, too. This year has allowed for more alone time and greater reflection. Now that the gift-giving season is upon us, maybe you’re thinking about what to send across the country to your loved ones, as well as what you can do for yourself in the New Year.

I’ve always encouraged my clients to view an MBA degree as an investment in themselves. Now that holiday music is playing and decorations are popping-up, I’m starting to think of the MBA degree from a new perspective: as a gift for your career -- one that keeps giving.

As 2020 comes to close, if you find yourself -- like many -- contemplating your life thus far, and what you want your future to look like, consider the gift of a business degree. If COVID-19 has made one lasting impression on me, it’s that life is short, and -- as cliche as it sounds -- we should live our lives to the fullest.

In perusing holiday posts lately, I’ve come across an abundance of MBA alumni, entrepreneurs in particular, who have used their degree to achieve amazing careers of their own. Below I’ve featured some successful business school grads whose degrees have provided them with fulfilling careers -- and have resulted in giving to others, too. They might even provide you with some inspiration!

The Perfect Cup of Joe
Matt Bachmann and Ben Gordon met at Columbia Business School, “struggling off debt and caffeine.” As they tell it, what began as a competition to make the best coffee, soon turned into a passion -- and a business. The two graduated in 2015, and now co-run Wandering Bear Coffee, which prides itself on selling coffee grounds that are extra smooth, and strong. Check out their holiday gifts here.

Sustainable WFH Attire
Shelly Xu, who will graduate from Harvard Business School in 2021, grew up living with her parents in a 70 square foot home. Since the space could only accommodate one table or bed at a time, Xu says she learned how to creatively and efficiently utilize space at an early age. This experience inspired her to explore creativity under constraint, which led to her founding SXD, a zero-waste fashion company. As her customers shifted to working from home, Xu adapted her brand and began designing functional items with fun names  such as  the “Princess Couch Potato” top. Her latest designs form a seasonless collection for the holiday season, designed to be loved and worn forever.

Sports Boxes for Kids
Lakshmi Jayanthi, who graduated from University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business in 2009, is a mother of two, focused on excelling in her career while being a dedicated and responsible parent. Jayanthi’s passion for devoting time to playing with her children led her to found Pick Up Sports, a company that sends boxes to families so that they can teach their children sports activities. As Jayanthi says, “our first memories of the sports we came to love often were made outside of formal leagues.” Her company enables parents, or other caretakers, to introduce children to the joy of moving around. You can purchase sport starter boxes, and even virtual coaching sessions, here.

Handcrafted Greeting Cards
Asha Banks, who graduated from Carnegie Mellon’s Tepper School in 2020, could never find the right card for her family members. After talking to friends, she realized she wasn’t alone. “My friends of various cultures shared that they rarely found cards with the likeness, language or proper references for their culture," she said. That’s when she decided to found her company -- CheerNotes -- which sells a diversity of cards that don’t conform to the mainstream narrative. Banks says that once she set out to rethink what it’s like to discover and share cards, she hasn’t looked back. If you are still in search of holiday cards to send to a friend or a family member, you can check out her unique collection here!

Wine Tasting From Home
James Williams always wanted to start his own business from the ground up, and over the years, developed a passion for wine. His first semester at HBS gave him the confidence needed to combine the two and start a business in the wine space. That business -- MasterGlass -- is a marketplace connecting wineries and sommeliers with customers. You can book a virtual wine tasting session with a sommelier and the company even offers corporate team building sessions!

Perhaps 2021 is the time for you to take the first steps toward your dream career. And, perhaps that takes the shape of an MBA degree. If you feel ready to take the first step on your MBA journey, or even just to learn more about what the application process will entail, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. You can book a complimentary 15-minute initial conversation with me here!