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Initial Thoughts on the New GMAT Focus with Dominate Test Prep

Join me and Brett Ethridge, Founder of Dominate Test Prep, on a podcast that discusses the big changes coming to the main standardized test you need to take when applying for an MBA.

Brett shared the “breaking news” that the GMAC announced that it will be replacing the GMAT, which has been the gold standard exam for students pursuing an advanced business degree for nearly 70 years, with a new version of the test called the GMAT Focus Edition. Specifically, we discuss:

  • Why now

  • What's on the new exam, and how it differs from the current GMAT

  • Why a shorter exam doesn't necessarily mean an easier exam

  • The timeline for the rollout of the new GMAT Focus Edition

  • The mindset of admissions officers, and how this new version may better help them assess the best candidates for their programs

  • What this change suggests about the future landscape of business education

  • What MBA candidates can be doing now if they think they'll be taking the new version of the GMAT

  • And more!