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Posts tagged Columbia Business School
Consider MBA Degree As A Holiday Gift That Keeps Giving

We’re almost to the end of 2020, and like the pandemic has altered most things, it will change our holiday season, too. This year has allowed for more alone time and greater reflection. Now that the gift-giving season is upon us, maybe you’re thinking about what to send across the country to your loved ones, as well as what you can do for yourself in the New Year.

I’ve always encouraged my clients to view an MBA degree as an investment in themselves. Now that holiday music is playing and decorations are popping-up, I’m starting to think of the MBA degree from a new perspective: as a gift for your career -- one that keeps giving.

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COVID-19: Can you still apply to a top-ranked MBA program right now?

Since there is a lot of understandable uncertainty about applying to business school in the middle of a global pandemic, I reached out to admissions directors from leading U.S. business schools for their thoughts about applying in the last rounds of this admissions cycle.

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