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How to Impress Admissions Officers Digitally

(by Access MBA)

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Communication channels have evolved and multiplied in recent years, making it important to know how to impress admissions officers by using proper digital etiquette. Just as you would not want to use your mobile phone if you were sitting at an admissions officer’s desk, neither would you do so during a video chat session with that same officer.

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Considering Grad School? Here's Your Check-list

If you live on this planet, chances are your life has been inevitably altered by COVID-19. Even higher probability: if you’re a 2020 college grad, the global pandemic and its economic ripple effects have encroached upon your post-graduate plans. As Time Magazine aptly stated in an article titled How COVID-19 Will Shape the Class of 2020 For the Rest of Their Lives,

“This year’s graduates are staggering into a world that is in some ways unrecognizable.”

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