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Investment Banking or Technology - Which is the better career path for MBA students? (Part 2: Exit Opportunities)

In Part 1 last week, we covered compensation. This week, we’re comparing the exit opportunities.

This one is a bit more straightforward than compensation. If you go straight into tech after you graduate, the most likely outcome is that you stay in tech and try to work your way up the ladder over time. Depending on which functional area you start out in - most MBAs join tech companies in product, finance, or some other type of business-related role (i.e. sales, marketing, business development, etc.) - that’s probably the career path you stay on over the long run.

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Investment Banking or Technology - Which is the better career path for MBA students? (Part 1: Compensation)

For the longest time, investment banking has been one of the most sought after career paths for students at top MBA programs in the United States. In recent years, however, investment banking has declined in popularity, losing market share to technology companies. According to an article in The Wall Street Journal from June 2018:

“The share of full-time M.B.A. graduates from the top 10 business schools accepting jobs at financial-services firms dropped between 2012 and 2017 from 35.7% to 26.4%, based on a weighted average calculated by the Journal. The share accepting jobs in tech rose from 12.9% to 20.1% in the same period.”

So is technology really the better career path for MBA students? Or does investment banking still reign? In this battle between Silicon Valley and Wall Street for the best and brightest, who deserves your attention more?

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AIGAC Responds To Operation Varsity Blues: Reaffirms Commitment to Highest Standards of Integrity & Competence

[…] The Justice Department’s Operation Varsity Blues case is a reminder that the high-stakes admissions process is not just stressful, but can create opportunities for unethical players. AIGAC exists to provide support and professional development for those helping young people self-reflect through the admissions process and attain the right education in the right way […].

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