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Posts in Application Process
Should you apply to an MBA during COVID-19?

Uncertainty is tough. In fact, research shows that it is even more stressful than negative outcomes.

That initially surprised me, but I read that the reason has to do with neuroscience and our need for control. It’s human nature.

Over the course of twenty years in working in MBA admissions, I’ve observed that far too many talented professionals ‘undersell’ themselves in the application because of those uncomfortable feelings of uncertainty. Some avoid applying to a more competitive school. Others avoid applying at all.

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COVID-19: Can you still apply to a top-ranked MBA program right now?

Since there is a lot of understandable uncertainty about applying to business school in the middle of a global pandemic, I reached out to admissions directors from leading U.S. business schools for their thoughts about applying in the last rounds of this admissions cycle.

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